Sunday, December 31, 2006

My Last Blog for 2006

It seems fitting that I should end 2006 making a blog entry. This year and last have meant incredible change for Tom and I . And, I hope the process has not ended yet. I have two more personal goals that I hope to accomplish in the year 2007 (these two were part of the original goals Tom and I set up for ourselves before we left Santa Rosa). Blogging, though not a goal, was certainly one of this year's most unanticipated and unknown changes I've made. I hadn't even heard of the word blog until earlier this year and I didn't bother to find out what it meant. It was just another term associated with the Internet and since I don't really navigate the Internet with competency, I just let that word pass me by. Progress, fortunately, has a way of infiltrating one's life when least expected. This form of communication, I hope, will allow me to stay in touch with old friends more and allow me to make many new friends.

Tom is now a blogger as well and we have agreed that we have to have broadband. Since we live in the backwoods of New Hampshire we will have to go with the more expensive satellite Internet service. Oh well, just one of the prices you pay, literally, for the peace and quiet of the country side.

To all of you, friends and family alike, I wish you a new year filled with love, joy, surprises, peace, contentment, learning, health security and just enough difficulties to make you appreciate all that you have. May we come together and stay connected by person, by electronics, and by spirit.
Best Wishes and a Happy New Year.


Kaye said...

WOW! I finally caught up with you and your life. Great way to start the New Year. New Year's Day is bright and sunny, full of promise. The birds are busy at the feeder even though it's sitting on the deck because my uncaring neighbor cut down the magnificent oak that shaded my yard. I resolve to be as flexible as the nuthatches! HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR

Anonymous said...

OK, you left me with a cliffhanger. You did not elaborate upon your personal goals. Maybe they are too "personal" to share. But I'm wondering if one of them is to finish the book that you once told me you had written or drafted? Dan

J Crew said...

Happy New year to you to Aunt Karen.

Roberta said...

May 2007 bring us a little more joy, and a tad less chaos, than 2006!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, hears to a big HEALTHIER for you this year.

Love you lots